Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Family Celebration

My family Christmas celebrations started with Mom and I enjoying the first play of our subscription season - Mom's birthday present from last March! The play was Beauty and the Beast performed in the new Persophone Theatre... awesome building!

After the theatre we had our annual gift exchange. Zane, Pam and Carter decided not to join us so it was a small but still delightful celebration. Doug was thrilled with his iPod, Mom pleased with her Sears gift certificate -- to buy bedding for her new bed -- and I love the bird house planter that was a joint gift from Uncle Stan, Mom and Doug.

It's an ipod!

A heart warming gift from Carter.

I love hand made gifts. This will look great on my deck

And, yes... we enjoyed a great meal!

Appetizers... shrimp, wings, dips, etc.Another delightful event in the 2007 Christmas season!

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