Sunday, December 02, 2007

Oh...What a Weekend!

Aren’t there times when you have one of those days? Well – I have just had one of those weekends!

It started Friday night at our staff party when a colleague came in to tell me that my car was still running. I thought I had turned it off with my car starter when I locked my car but I had unknowingly left my keys in the ignition. My car starter would not open the car and inside were my house keys.

Luckily I was able to track down a friend who keeps an extra house key; my colleague was kind enough to drive me to get the key, and then to my house to get my car key and back to the staff party where I was able to open my car and turn it off.

That takes us to Saturday. I had dithered and dathered about going to the College of Education Awards Celebration to be recognized a the recipient of the Douglas/Brown Award in Instructional Technologies but finally decided to go. A friend agreed to go with me and we drove the hour and half to the Saskatoon Inn for the ceremony only to find out that no one was there! The hotel knew nothing about it! I even showed them the official letter – I did have the correct date, time and place according to the letter and I had confirmed by fax and e-mail that I would be attending. I still don’t know what happened but I suspect it has something to do with the CUPE strike which affected both universities in Saskatchewan.

On Sunday I broke a window. I am trying to get ready for the coldest winter in a decade and was defrosting my laundry window with my blow dryer to prepare it for the plastic film to help keep out the cold. The contrast between the heat of the blow dryer and the outside of the window was too much and it cracked.

And now for the final piece… I agreed to a take a friend shopping – the same friend who came with me to Saskatoon yesterday. She has just had hip replacement surgery and is just now slowly getting around with a walker. We were at Canadian Tire and I started my car from inside the store. When we arrived at the car I could not find my keys?! Yes – they, including my house key, were inside the car, the car was running and I could not open the car with my car starter. And…no, I had not returned the key that I had gotten from my friend on Friday night – it was inside my house with my other car key.

Luckily my border was at home and we were able to take a taxi to pick up the car key.

Yes… what a weekend! However, I can be thankful that I have great colleagues who didn’t hesitate to help. Amy and I spent a wonderful afternoon Christmas shopping in Saskatoon and enjoyed a fine meal at Earl’s before returning to North Battleford. Our taxi driver was exceptionally personable, helpful and had a great sense of humour. As helped load Amy’s walker into my car he mentioned that as I was making a habit of this he expected to see me within the next couple of days! Let us hope NOT!!

1 comment:

desroches1 said...

Wow!!!!!!!! A weekend to remember. you are right, you do have great friends.