Sunday, September 18, 2005

Donna's Update

School is into full swing and hmmm.... not as bad as I had thought it would be. I had such a great summer that I really did not want to go back to work.

It is amazing though how quickly things get underway....

My university class started last week (grad program -- Educational Technology and Communications -- when I graduate I will be an Instructional Designer) and already I feel that I am behind! It is almost all online -- there are f2f meetings every two weeks.

My volunteer activity with SCIC (Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation) has started. We are a group of teachers who evaluate global education web sites that meet the Saskatchewan curriculum. Great people -- I love doing this. And.. it gets me to Regina everyone once in a while where I have a chance to visit with Mike and sometimes the kids.

I am also on a Sask Learning Committee with the mandate to develop a professional development program that will teach teachers how to integrate technology in their classroom. Again -- great people -- lots of philosophy and educational ideas get discussioned and debated.

I am teaching online again this year -- Native Studies 20 -- the course that I had release time last year to develop. I love doing this! Every Wednesday I work at home. I give myself the luxury of starting the day slow ( I get up at my regular time, have toast and coffee and then take a long walk, come home shower, dress in my comfort clothes and spend the day at the compter). I have eight very good students -- keen and eager! I will miss it next semester.

School is OK -- after 25 years there really isn't too much different -- although I have been directed to develop a school-wide information literacy program -- something that will help every teacher work with students to find, use and share information. This is the way I state it, although my principle just wants everyone to use techology across the curriculum and across grade levels.

I am still running every day, reading lots, and enjoying good red wine with friends.

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