Jim returnded with a intese cold. Sniffeling, sneezing and coughing, lasted the rest of the week. Had to take two days off work. However I,m on the mend now.
We will be celibrating Elizabeth's birthday on Saturday. she'll be 29 on August 21.
Work is goning fine. Like one would expect working for the government, "the more thing stay the say the more things change".
We have no big plans for the rest of the summer. I won't be taking hoildays until Late September or early October. we will most likly just stay home and reenergize.
Love the site and sure hope everyone uses it. Nice work Donna!! too bad there is no spell check, You'll have to live with my spelling.

1 comment:
Happy Birthday Liz! 29! You look great!! Have a happy celebration.
Jim, I hope that you are feeling better.
Enjoy the rest of the summer.
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