Saturday, April 28, 2007

One Month Today!

Well I do have to say that the past month has just flown by. Little Jessica is now pushing almost 8 lbs. The health nurses are very surprised and happy that she is gaining so much. We are only nursing no supplements. She's almost sleeping through the night. Derrik has had surgery on his arm, so now he can't help out as much as he was before. Over all things are going very well for us.
That's the blanket that Grandma made for Jessica she loves it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Hey Everyone It's Brittany.. I just want to let everyone know I am the Director Of Photography and Executive Producer of this Short Film I am shooting with my Roomate. We are working very hard everyday and working other jobs to pay our Bills. Since this Film requires funding I am looking for support from Family. Anything would be the greatest help in the world right now since I want to shoot this on film and NOT HD. This is the stepping stone I am taking in my life to become everything I want to be. I love you all and miss you more than you will ever know.

If you would like a script to read please send me a personal Email..
or call
778 988 6470

Brittany Dawn

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A note from Stephanie

me and Jessica
A new big brother
Jessica's first bath
One proud Daddy

A big welcome to the new addition to our family. Jessica was born at the Rocky View Hosptial at 10:04 on March 28th and wieghed 5lbs 10oz. After the second trip to the hospital, and an hour of fetal montering, the doctors were worried about her heart beat, it kept dropping. So they quickly made arrangements for an emergancy C-section. A very scary exprience for both Derrik and I. But it resulted in one beautiful little girl.