Just a quick note to say Hi,
Marcus was the luck recipient of a 2000.00 dollar scholarship from Duke Engergy. The Same day he got that he got his bill from the Northern lights college for 3000.00, so needless to say he was happy about that.
Brittany turns the big 19 tomorrow and Michelle I hope, is safe and doing well.
Cam is busy and feeling better, his knee is feeling better, he was hopeing that it would be totally fixed that is not the case, but loosing some weight will help.
thinking of you all
Monday, January 30, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
News from MOM
I am feeling so much better today. I had an abcessed tooth the week of Jan 17th, I went on antibiotics I had a root cannal done on the 25th, the abcess came back and had to go back last Friday. She put me on two types of antibiotics and more pain killers.. Like I said I am feeling better, I did not miss any work as things are pretty slow right now. I am just off to work and will write about happier things next time Love Mom
Monday, January 23, 2006
I Got The Job
Hello, yes I got the job in Calgary, I start on Feb 15th. My last day with SaskPower will be Feb 5th or the 10th. My boss may want me to stay on.
I got everything I wanted, 75k a year, 4 weeks holiday, 12 EDO's(day off), two weeks in August as Vacation.
I will be going to Calgary to look for an apartment on Feb 3rd. Jim can you email me some areas that I may want to look at. I will be there for Friday, Saturday and leaving Sunday. My email is mdesroches@accesscomm.ca. I would like to see you when I am down can we arrange an evening meal with the whole family?
AltaLink will also rent me a car to drive around.
I will be moving on the 11 or 12 and Altalink is putting me up in an apartment for 30 days so I can look for an apartment or till I have arranged a move in date.
They will cover all moving costs, I do not have very much but this way I can have it stored and I can bring my bike.
I will have to get my registered Professional technologist designation (RPT), this will allow me to be out of the union and make more money and move up in the company. I will have 1 year to get this. I do want this in Alberta it is as good as being an engineer.
Well that's about it Call me if you want to talk my number is 306-529-0122 after 6 pm is free air time.
Take care,
I got everything I wanted, 75k a year, 4 weeks holiday, 12 EDO's(day off), two weeks in August as Vacation.
I will be going to Calgary to look for an apartment on Feb 3rd. Jim can you email me some areas that I may want to look at. I will be there for Friday, Saturday and leaving Sunday. My email is mdesroches@accesscomm.ca. I would like to see you when I am down can we arrange an evening meal with the whole family?
AltaLink will also rent me a car to drive around.
I will be moving on the 11 or 12 and Altalink is putting me up in an apartment for 30 days so I can look for an apartment or till I have arranged a move in date.
They will cover all moving costs, I do not have very much but this way I can have it stored and I can bring my bike.
I will have to get my registered Professional technologist designation (RPT), this will allow me to be out of the union and make more money and move up in the company. I will have 1 year to get this. I do want this in Alberta it is as good as being an engineer.
Well that's about it Call me if you want to talk my number is 306-529-0122 after 6 pm is free air time.
Take care,
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Hi from Pam, Zane and Carter

Hi everyone, good to see everyone is blogging away.
Thought we would send a couple pictures of Carter to show you how much he is growing. The outfit he is wearing is from Mom from Christmas. It is so cute.
Doug - glad to hear you took the red car. Enjoy it!!! Hope you can make it down here on a road trip sometime.
Today we went to a Catholic service. It was very nice. We were in Saskatoon on Thursday night / Friday. Had a quick visit with Mom and Doug. Everyone seems to be doing good.
Love from Zane, Pam and Carter
Saturday, January 21, 2006
update from doug
Hi every one. So the big news is that I now have a new car. It is the car you get when you have a mid life crisis. Yes it is a red sports car. Saturn of course. the car runnes like a dream. There were many challanges to over come, so I left it in Mom and Gods hands and It worked out very well. I will be in debt for ever and a day but I look great in the car! Hoping that it will help with the single and horny thing but you all know that my great personallity will be the only thing that cures that. Still having challanges getting SGI to cut me a cheque with my name only on it but given time and God things will work out there to. Looking forward to the rest of 2006 and all the great things comming.
with love and freindship
with love and freindship
News From Stephanie
Well I thought it was time for me to post something on here. I'm still in school finishing up my undergrad, which I'm having a blast at. Mostly I'm taking archaeology and anthropology courses. They are really fun, but a lot of work. I'm still working in group home and enjoying it. Work Work Work, Study Study Study... and sometimes sleep. The life of a student.
Derrik and I are still together and doing great. Riley (Derrik's son) is in kindergarten now and is loving it.
Derrik and I are still together and doing great. Riley (Derrik's son) is in kindergarten now and is loving it.
Monday, January 16, 2006
I, have not been reading the blog and boy was I happy to see all the news. I wish I had great things to write about. I will just fill you in on all the highlights,
-Michelle is off to South America on the 18th, I am worried but what can a mother do.
-Brittany is doing well in school, she seems busy and happy when ever I call so that is good.
-Marc is busy working on getting through school. He start school in Dawson Creek in Feb, I think he is starting to get worried about it. He will be in Chetwyn this weekend getting the final classes so he can teach swimming lessons. He is also taking a course in teaching diving, and the teachers were telling me that they were watching him and he is in their words "excellent"
- Cam is busy and then busy some more. He is doing all the things that he can do to get ready for the spring rush. We finally got snow and they are building thier snow bridges and so doing a little less flying. He will be taking Marc to school.
- I am busy at work, but took the weekend to change all the rooms around in the house ( not including Marcs) We took the little bedroom and made it into an office, We put two twin beds in the big room, it has it's own bathroom that way when we have guests they can have a little of thier own space. We took the whole basement and made it into a excersise room for cam and myself. Cam is determinded to get in shape and so far he is doing really great.
- We are planning to make a trip to Whitehorse this March, Cam would like to see his mom and we have some friends there who are looking forward to see us.
We are all healthy and enjoying our lives, I guess that is the way it was suppose to be.
Thinking of you all with Much love
-Michelle is off to South America on the 18th, I am worried but what can a mother do.
-Brittany is doing well in school, she seems busy and happy when ever I call so that is good.
-Marc is busy working on getting through school. He start school in Dawson Creek in Feb, I think he is starting to get worried about it. He will be in Chetwyn this weekend getting the final classes so he can teach swimming lessons. He is also taking a course in teaching diving, and the teachers were telling me that they were watching him and he is in their words "excellent"
- Cam is busy and then busy some more. He is doing all the things that he can do to get ready for the spring rush. We finally got snow and they are building thier snow bridges and so doing a little less flying. He will be taking Marc to school.
- I am busy at work, but took the weekend to change all the rooms around in the house ( not including Marcs) We took the little bedroom and made it into an office, We put two twin beds in the big room, it has it's own bathroom that way when we have guests they can have a little of thier own space. We took the whole basement and made it into a excersise room for cam and myself. Cam is determinded to get in shape and so far he is doing really great.
- We are planning to make a trip to Whitehorse this March, Cam would like to see his mom and we have some friends there who are looking forward to see us.
We are all healthy and enjoying our lives, I guess that is the way it was suppose to be.
Thinking of you all with Much love
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Mike's Update
Hello all, we have had some great weather here is Regina, today it rained most of the day. It was +2, the rain made the streets like sheets of ice and driving was insane. It is now -11 and only going to get to -7.
I am getting back in the swing of things after Christmas. The family had a great time, Megan and William got TV's, DVD and surround sound. Sean got his electric guitar I think he sleeps with it. He has given his Christmas money to take lessons.
Kriss got a TV, I got a wonderfully mechanical clock.(I collect clocks.
As for the job in Calgary, Yes I have the job, but no I do not have a formal offer so I have not given my notice. I should make about 17k more than I am making now and that it to start. I will also be able to register as a Professional technologist, this will give me the same rights as an engineer and will allow better promotions and a raise. I will let everyone know as soon as I do, I am hoping for Monday to have the offer.
Jim, nice to hear that you enjoyed flying. Sounds like a lot of money, did you ever consider buying a plane then only the instuctor would cost.(well the plane to but it would be yours.)
Well take care evey one, love you all. As I can not call long distance please call me or get connected onto SKYPE, my user name is MADDESROCHES. Call me I am always online.
Love Mike and Family.
I am getting back in the swing of things after Christmas. The family had a great time, Megan and William got TV's, DVD and surround sound. Sean got his electric guitar I think he sleeps with it. He has given his Christmas money to take lessons.
Kriss got a TV, I got a wonderfully mechanical clock.(I collect clocks.
As for the job in Calgary, Yes I have the job, but no I do not have a formal offer so I have not given my notice. I should make about 17k more than I am making now and that it to start. I will also be able to register as a Professional technologist, this will give me the same rights as an engineer and will allow better promotions and a raise. I will let everyone know as soon as I do, I am hoping for Monday to have the offer.
Jim, nice to hear that you enjoyed flying. Sounds like a lot of money, did you ever consider buying a plane then only the instuctor would cost.(well the plane to but it would be yours.)
Well take care evey one, love you all. As I can not call long distance please call me or get connected onto SKYPE, my user name is MADDESROCHES. Call me I am always online.
Love Mike and Family.
Calgary Update
Well there's not a lot of new news.... Let's see.... Liz is swimming everyday, she has been off the cigarettes since before Christmas. We got the grandkids swimming lessons for Christmas. They started last Wednesday; Liz and Amanda took all three boys but the twins were not able to participate because they need 1:1 in the water and that's not possible with three kids and two adults. So guess who get to go swimming every Wednesday for nine weeks. Yea Me!! We have a beautiful Rec. Centre just a few blocks from us The Caldel Centre. It has a swimming pool, three or four gyms two skating rinks and a huge library.
I did really enjoy my flying lesson. It was an introductory lesson that took about an hour. I actually flew the plane for about 45 minute. I had an excellent instructor we did a bunch of things like turns, following landmarks like the river and the hiway. Explained to me about take offs and landings, how the gauges work. I was involved in pretty much all aspects of the flight.
This organization offers three different kinds of licenses, Recreational, Private and commercial. The private is about $10,000. I'm not sure about payment plans but I do know that some people are taking over two years to get the license.
I'm still debating with my self if it is something I want to commit to. The two main conserations are the money and the time. The instructor suggested that to get the hours in (under a year) you should be in the air at least three time a week. The cost is $105/hr for the plane and $50/hr for the instructor. So $155/hr three time a week is $455 a week. I don't smoke quite that much.
Stephanie has started her classes at the U of C. So she is very busy these days.
What happened with SGI and Doug's car? Did they write it off? What kind of car are you looking at? I hope everything works out.
Very nice web site Donna!
All the best
Jim & Family
I did really enjoy my flying lesson. It was an introductory lesson that took about an hour. I actually flew the plane for about 45 minute. I had an excellent instructor we did a bunch of things like turns, following landmarks like the river and the hiway. Explained to me about take offs and landings, how the gauges work. I was involved in pretty much all aspects of the flight.
This organization offers three different kinds of licenses, Recreational, Private and commercial. The private is about $10,000. I'm not sure about payment plans but I do know that some people are taking over two years to get the license.
I'm still debating with my self if it is something I want to commit to. The two main conserations are the money and the time. The instructor suggested that to get the hours in (under a year) you should be in the air at least three time a week. The cost is $105/hr for the plane and $50/hr for the instructor. So $155/hr three time a week is $455 a week. I don't smoke quite that much.
Stephanie has started her classes at the U of C. So she is very busy these days.
What happened with SGI and Doug's car? Did they write it off? What kind of car are you looking at? I hope everything works out.
Very nice web site Donna!
All the best
Jim & Family
Saturday, January 14, 2006
news from Mom
Hi, I have been in PA from Tuesday until Friday evening. Your Aunt Jean needed a bit of surgery on the polyps in her lower bowel. My, she had lost so much blood by putting off going to a doctor that her iron was very low and she was as pale as a ghost. Even by Friday, with the bleeding stopped she had color back in her face. Her energy was also starting to pick up. I am very blessed to have children who are concerned with me and help me when I need it. Her kids make me pretty angery as they never seem to be there when she needs them. I wish she would learn to be a bit more independent, and not have to call on them for the little things, they may be more willing to do the bigger stuff for her. Both Doug and Toby were sick with the cold and flu while I was gone. Maybe Jean was a blessing, as I was not here to inhale their bugs. Visited Bell and Claude. both are looking good. Bell has lost some weight and boy she has a nice figure. You would never know that she is 85 and Claude is 90. I will be going with Doug to look at cars next week. Seeing I am his financisl advisor, I will negotiate on his behalf(I know how much he can afford). Talked with Mike and Donna today. Donna is in Regina for some of her meeting. Love to all Mom
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Donna's photos from Bolivia

I put together a quick web site for Michelle to show her some of the highlights during my trip to Bolivia. They brought back many memories... Click on an image to see a larger view.
Machu Picchu, Peru - after finishing the Inca Trail.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
So there are changes (stll single and horny), I was working driving pizza last night at 645 pm. grabbed two orders and took off down ave H as I crossed 22nd st. a very nice elderly lady decided that it was time to cross the center line and hit me. The hit pushed me on to the side walks and totaled off my car.(pics to follow). So the year ended on that note for me a big bang. every one was ok no injuryies. Through out my time as a pizza driver I have seen alot of bad drivers and have asked myself why there was no cop when one needed them. Well this time I was pleasently surprised as right be hind the lady who hit me was a cop and he saw the whole thing. The cop had to chase the lady as she was making a break for it. chased her in to the parking lot of the ESSO.
and thats about it for my end to the year 2005. The party at Jax was fun and I got lots of attention over the accident so all in all the start of 2006 is much better then the end of 2005. Happy new year to all.
and thats about it for my end to the year 2005. The party at Jax was fun and I got lots of attention over the accident so all in all the start of 2006 is much better then the end of 2005. Happy new year to all.
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